10 Best Ways to Stay Awake on Long Drives During A Roadtrip
Imagine, you’re on a solo road trip, cruising down the highway, and suddenly you find yourself nodding off at the wheel. This is not only risky, but it may also ruin your entire trip. That is why it is critical to understand how to stay awake on road journeys. There are various approaches to counteract tiredness and guarantee a safe and comfortable journey, from planning ahead to taking breaks.
In this blog post, we’ll go over 10 tried-and-true strategies to remain awake on long road trips. From eating healthy snacks to travelling with a travel companion, these ideas can keep you alert and focused on the road. So, take a cup of coffee and prepare to overcome tiredness and make the most of your road trip vacation!
10 Best Ways to Stay Awake on Long Drives During A Roadtrip

Drink Caffeine
The effects of caffeine:
Caffeine is a stimulant that can help keep you awake and alert. It works by blocking the effects of adenosine, a chemical in the brain that makes you feel tired. That’s why a cup of coffee or tea can be a great way to combat drowsiness on a road trip.
If you want to have an emergency caffeine jolt kit, add a bottle of caffeine pills and a couple of bottles of 5-hour energy drink for when you need it the most.
But, it’s important to note that caffeine’s effects can vary from person to person, and too much of it can lead to jitters, anxiety, and insomnia.
Importance of moderation:
While coffee might help you remain alert on a road trip, it’s vital to use it sparingly. Caffeine consumption should be limited to no more than 400 mg per day, which is around the amount in four cups of brewed coffee. Remember that caffeine does not mix well with alcohol, so if you plan on having a drink or two later in the day, avoid caffeine.
Also, if you are caffeine sensitive, it is critical to monitor your caffeine intake and avoid consuming it too close to bedtime to avoid disrupting your sleep rhythm.
Fun Fact:
Did you know that caffeine is the world’s most widely used psychoactive substance? So you’re not alone in your affection for black gold; you’re in excellent company.
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Eat Healthy Snacks
The benefits of eating healthy snacks while on the road:
Snacking is an excellent method to keep yourself fueled on lengthy car trips, but not all snacks are made equal. Junk food may provide an instant energy boost, but it will leave you feeling sluggish and weary in the long run. That is why it is critical to select healthy snacks that will provide you with prolonged energy and keep you awake on the road.
Recommended types of snacks to keep you alert:
Fruits, almonds, and yogurt are some of the greatest snacks to keep you awake while driving. These snacks are packed with protein and healthy fats, so they will keep you going for the duration of your adventure. You might also experiment with energy bars or trail mix.
Just make sure to read the contents and avoid anything with a lot of sugar. If you’re feeling particularly daring, you can even try some jerky made from your favorite meats. Bring some breath mints, because you don’t want to be the one with foul breath on the carpool.
Never Drive Alone If You Can

The benefits of having a companion to keep you engaged in conversation:
Having a partner on a road trip can help you stay focused and awake. It’s a great time to catch up with a friend or loved one and spend time together. Having someone to talk to can also assist to break up the boredom of the drive and speed up the time. Furthermore, having someone to share the driving with is always safer, especially on lengthy travels.
How to involve your companion in keeping you awake:
Playing “I spy” or “20 questions” with your companion is one technique to keep them awake. This will keep your mind active and engaged while also being a pleasant way to spend time. You can also test your knowledge of the songs by playing some music trivia. If you’re traveling with children, you can play automobile bingo or “I spy” games that are appropriate for their age.
Fun Fact:
Did you know that having a travel partner might also help you feel better? Spending time with loved ones and participating in social activities has been proven in studies to improve your mood, so don’t be afraid to invite your closest friend, significant other, or even your dog to join you on your next road trip.
If you’re traveling alone and need to remain awake on a lengthy drive, fill up your smartphone with your favorite tunes, podcasts, or audiobooks to keep you entertained.
Listen to Music
How music can help keep you entertained and alert:
Listening to music while driving can help keep you entertained and aware. It can help you pass the time and enjoy the ride more. Music can also keep your mind busy by allowing you to concentrate on the lyrics and melodies.
Recommendations for energizing playlists:
Make a playlist of vibrant and energetic tunes that will keep your foot tapping and head nodding to keep you entertained and alert. Electronic, hip-hop and rock music are examples of genres noted for their stimulating beats. But don’t be scared to experiment; a good old classic rock tune can also improve your spirits.
Fun Fact:
Did you know that music can help you enhance your driving skills? According to research, listening to music while driving can help you react faster to unexpected events, so put on your favorite song and hit the road with confidence.
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Check Your Posture
Have you ever been on a lengthy road trip and found yourself with an aching back, stiff neck, and sore shoulders by the end of the first day?
The problem is caused by the automobiles we drive. Why? Because most car seats are not designed to accommodate the curvatures of our lower backs, our spines are put under stress.
Furthermore, many contemporary compact cars lack the necessary legroom and headroom to support long-distance drivers. As a result, we’re forced to contort our bodies into postures that aren’t good for our posture.
To help improve your posture while driving is to ensure that you support your back by lifting your hips, not sitting too close to the steering wheel, leaning back a little, and adding lumbar support for your back will help you stay awake and pain-free while you drive.
Get Enough Rest
Preparation is the secret to staying awake on a road trip. Nothing beats a good night’s sleep before a road trip. Consider it your secret weapon against tiredness. You’ll be able to stay alert and focused on your journey if you obtain adequate rest. And, let’s be honest, who wants to begin a road trip drowsy and half asleep?
How to set a schedule for your road trip:
It’s time to arrange your trip after you’ve gotten a decent night’s sleep. You don’t want to be racing against the clock, so allow plenty of time to get to your destination. Setting a schedule for your road trip is one method to accomplish this.
Plan out when you’ll leave, when you’ll stop, and when you’ll arrive at your destination. This will assist you in staying on target and making the most of your journey. And who knows, with a well-planned itinerary, you could even have time to visit the world’s largest ball of twine (if that’s your thing).
Here Are Some Warning Signs That Can Cause You To Be Sleepy While Driving:
- Having problems focusing and blinking constantly
- Drifting into another lane, swerving, or hitting the rumble strips
- Having trouble remembering the last few miles driven
- Missing Exists signs while driving
- Having trouble keeping your head up
If you are doing any of these examples while driving, it’s time to find a rest stop and take a break from driving.
I remember a road trip I took from Vancouver, Canada to Los Angles over two days to make an important meeting, I had many close calls because I didn’t pay attention to the warning signs that I was tired.
I am lucky to be alive, but others around the world pushed it further than they should and paid for it in the end. Please don’t be them.
Stay on Schedule

The importance of regular breaks and staying on schedule:
Keeping to a schedule and taking frequent breaks will help you stay awake and aware on a road trip. It’s critical to take regular stops to stretch your legs and take your eyes off the road. This will keep you refreshed and energized for the remainder of the travel.
How to plan your breaks and schedule for the trip:
Try using navigation software that can offer you rest stop locations to plan your breaks and timetable for the drive, or arrange your stops ahead of time. You may also try dividing the journey into smaller, more doable halves and scheduling a break every two hours or so. Remember, it’s crucial to plan your breaks around your own body’s requirements, not just the clock.
Fun Fact:
Did you know that taking regular breaks while driving can actually improve your safety on the road? Studies have shown that taking a break every two hours can reduce the risk of accidents, so don’t be afraid to pull over and take a break, your safety is important.
Stay Physically Active
The advantages of taking breaks to stretch or walk about include:
Sitting in a car for long periods of time might lead to tiredness. That is why it is critical to get up and move around while on the road. Taking time to stretch or stroll about keeps you physically active while also allowing your mind to rejuvenate. It’s also a terrific way to get away from the monotony of the road and discover new locations. Who knows, you might even come across a hidden gem or two.
How to include physical activity in your trip:
Physical activity on your road trip can be as simple as going for a stroll or stretching during rest stops. However, if you want to go the extra mile (pun intended), incorporate some exercises into your breaks. While at a rest stop, for example, you can do some quick and easy exercises like lunges or squats.
You can even go for a trek or a swim if you’re feeling brave. Just make sure to check the weather and bring any essential equipment. Remember that safety should always come first, so be alert to your surroundings.
Keep Your Eyes Moving

The risks of gazing at the road for extended periods of time include:
Staring at the road for extended periods of time can make you feel drowsy. The constant movement of the car, along with the monotony of the environment, can make it difficult to focus your eyes. This can result in a dangerous decrease in attentiveness and reaction time. As a result, it’s critical to keep your eyes moving and engaged when driving.
Tips for keeping your eyes moving and engaged:
Focusing on different elements of the surroundings as you drive is one method to keep your eyes moving. Instead of staring at the road, take in the scenery, whether it’s the mountains, the ocean, or the vibrant fall leaves. You might also try a game with your travel companion in which you take turns pointing out various objects you notice on the route.
It’s a great way to keep your eyes moving while driving and make the most of your journey. Another approach is to change your focus distance by gazing at items far and close, such as billboards, trees, other vehicles on the road, and so on. Don’t forget to monitor the rearview mirror and side mirrors for changing traffic conditions and other vehicles.
Avoid Heavy Meals
The effects of heavy meals on energy and alertness:
Eating large meals can cause sluggishness and fatigue, which is the last thing you want on a road trip. Heavy meals can create drowsiness and make it difficult to stay awake because your body is focused on digesting the food rather than keeping you attentive.
Recommendations for lighter meals and snacks:
Eat lighter meals and snacks to avoid feeling drowsy after eating. Fruits, veggies, sandwiches, and salads are all good choices. These meals are high in vitamins and nutrients while also being simple to digest. Healthy snacks such as hummus and avocado toast are also options. If you want something sweet, try some fresh berries or yogurt.
Fun Fact:
Did you know that certain meals might help you feel better and have more energy? B vitamin-rich foods such as leafy greens, almonds, and eggs can help boost your energy and enhance your mood, so pack some nutritious snacks for your next road trip.
We’ve covered ten of the best ways to stay awake on road trips in this article, including planning ahead of time, staying physically active, keeping your eyes moving, eating healthy snacks, drinking caffeine, listening to music, using a travel companion, avoiding heavy meals, staying on schedule, and many more.
It is critical to remember that being vigilant on road journeys is critical for your safety as well as the safety of other drivers. Fatigue can induce delayed reaction times and decreased judgment, which can lead to potentially dangerous incidents.
We hope you found this post useful, and we encourage you to use these suggestions and practices on your next road trip. Remember that everyone is unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. So, figure out what works best for you, and have a safe voyage.
Fun Fact:
Did you know that having a nap before a lengthy drive can lower your chance of an accident by 34%? If everything else fails, take a nap and wake up rejuvenated and ready to hit the road.
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About the author: Trent (IMDB | Youtube) has spent 10+ years working on an assortment of film and television projects. He writes about his experiences to help (and amuse) others. If he’s not working, he’s either traveling, reading or writing about travel/film, or planning travel/film projects.