Declutter Your Space, Unleash Your Creativity: 10 Organization Hacks for Filmmakers

Organization is an important part of the filmmaking process since it affects a filmmaker’s productivity, creativity, and, eventually, the quality of the finished result.

A cluttered and chaotic work environment can cause distractions, delays, and extra stress, but an ordered and clean atmosphere can improve attention, efficiency, and inspiration. Filmmakers can save time and energy by keeping their equipment, tools, and workstations organized. This allows them to readily locate what they need, limit downtime, and save time and energy.

The 10 organization hacks presented in this piece are intended to assist filmmakers in decluttering their workspaces and unleashing their creativity.

Creating a designated filming area, utilizing storage solutions, organizing equipment, keeping an editing space clean and clear, implementing a color coding system, scheduling regular cleaning and decluttering sessions, utilizing digital organization tools, prioritizing and focusing on one task at a time, utilizing wall space, and keeping a daily to-do list is some of these hacks.

Each hack will include ideas and tactics for using the hack, allowing filmmakers to have a better structured and productive production experience.

10 Amazing Organization Hacks To Get Rid Of The Home Clutter for a filmmaker

10 Amazing Organization Hacks To Get Rid Of The Home Clutter for a filmmaker

Hack #1: Create a designated filming area

A designated filming space can be extremely beneficial to filmmakers in a variety of ways. For starters, it provides them with a defined location in which to set up and store all of their equipment, props, and costumes. 

This can aid in the reduction of clutter and disarray in other parts of their home or workplace. A specialized filming area can also act as a creative environment for filmmakers to create, plan, and carry out their filming projects. Furthermore, it can assist filmmakers in distinguishing between their professional and personal lives.

Tips for setting up a filming area and keeping it organized:

  1. Choose a space with ample natural light and good acoustics.
  2. Use shelving or storage containers to keep equipment, props, and costumes organized and easily accessible.
  3. Implement a color coding system or labeling system for different types of equipment or props.
  4. Use a bulletin board or whiteboard for planning and brainstorming.
  5. Have a designated area for costumes and wardrobes.
  6. Schedule regular cleaning and decluttering sessions to maintain organization.
  7. Keep the area as simple and minimalistic as possible.
  8. Make sure to have a power strip and extension cords to be able to plug in all your equipment.
  9. Keep a checklist of equipment and props to make sure nothing is forgotten during filming.
  10. Have a designated spot for your camera, tripod, and lighting equipment.

By following these tips, filmmakers can create a designated filming area that is both functional and creative, and that can help them to achieve a more productive and efficient filmmaking experience.

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Hack #2: Utilize storage solutions

office storage solutions

There are numerous storage options available for filmmakers to manage their equipment, props, costumes, and film materials. Among the most popular choices are:

  • Shelving: This can be a great option for storing equipment and props in a visible and easily accessible manner.
  • Storage containers: These can be used to store equipment, props, and costumes, and can be labeled or color-coded for easy identification.
  • Camera bags and cases: These are specifically designed to protect and store cameras, lenses, and other photography equipment.
  • Rolling storage carts: These can be used to move equipment and props around easily and are great for location shoots.
  • Digital storage solutions: such as cloud storage, external hard drives, and USB drives can be used to store digital files and footage

Tips for choosing and implementing storage solutions:

  1. Assess your equipment, props, and costumes and determine which storage solutions will best suit your needs.
  2. Choose storage solutions that are durable, easy to clean, and maintain.
  3. Label or color-code your storage solutions to make it easy to locate items.
  4. Utilize a combination of different storage options to maximize space and efficiency.
  5. Regularly check your storage solutions and declutter any items that are no longer needed.
  6. Keep in mind the flexibility of the storage solution, as your collection of equipment and material may grow over time.
  7. Use storage solutions that are easy to move if you need to transport your equipment.
  8. Consider the security of your storage solutions, especially for expensive equipment or sensitive materials. 

By following these tips, filmmakers can effectively choose and implement storage solutions that will help to keep their equipment, props, costumes, and materials organized and easily accessible.

Hack #3: Organize your equipment

Organizing your equipment is critical for filmmakers because it gives simple access to the tools and resources required for filmmaking. It also protects and preserves the equipment, extending its lifespan and avoiding the need for costly repairs or replacements. 

A well-organized equipment collection can also aid in determining whether any equipment is missing or not functioning properly, allowing for faster troubleshooting and resolution.

Tips for organizing equipment and keeping it in good condition:

  1. Make an inventory of all your equipment and keep it updated regularly.
  2. Use a color coding or labeling system to easily identify and locate equipment.
  3. Use protective cases and bags for equipment and lenses.
  4. Clean and maintain your equipment regularly, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Store equipment in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture.
  6. Use lens caps and filters to protect lenses from dust and scratches.
  7. Keep batteries charged and ensure that you have enough spares for your equipment
  8. Use a humidifier or dehumidifier to control humidity levels in the storage area.
  9. Organize your equipment in such a way that you can quickly grab what you need, especially when you are on location. 

By following these tips, filmmakers can effectively organize their equipment and keep it in good condition, ensuring that they have the tools they need to create high-quality films.

Hack #4: Keep your editing space clean and clear

10 Amazing Organization Hacks To Get Rid Of The Home Clutter for a filmmaker

A clean and tidy editing area can be extremely beneficial to filmmakers in a variety of ways. A messy and unorganized editing space can cause distractions and delays, whereas a clean and organized workspace can improve attention and efficiency. 

A clear space also makes it easier to access all of the necessary editing tools and resources, reducing downtime and allowing for a more effective editing workflow. A clean and uncluttered environment can also aid to reduce stress and increase overall well-being, resulting in a better editing experience.

Tips for decluttering and organizing your editing space:

  1. Declutter your editing space regularly, getting rid of items that are no longer needed or used.
  2. Use storage solutions such as shelves, storage containers, or filing cabinets to keep materials and equipment organized and easily accessible.
  3. Implement a color coding or labeling system to quickly identify and locate materials and equipment.
  4. Keep your computer and editing software organized with folders and shortcuts.
  5. Use a monitor arm or stand to keep your monitor at eye level and reduce neck strain.
  6. Keep your keyboard and mouse pad clean and organized.
  7. Use a document holder to keep your script or notes visible while editing.
  8. Keep a clean and organized workspace by using a desk pad or mat.
  9. Use a task light to reduce eye strain while editing.
  10. Keep your editing space well-ventilated and illuminated, to reduce eye strain and improve focus.

By following these tips, filmmakers can effectively declutter and organize their editing space, leading to a more productive and efficient editing process.

Hack #5: Implement a color coding system

In many instances, implementing a color coding system can substantially help filmmakers. It makes it simple to identify and locate equipment, props, and files. Filmmakers may quickly and easily discover what they need without wasting time searching through cluttered and chaotic environments if they use distinct colors for different sorts of equipment, props, or files. 

Color coding can also help to keep equipment and data organized, lowering the chance of misplacing or losing goods. It can also be used to indicate the status of specific files, such as which have been modified and which are still pending.

Tips for creating and using a color coding system for your equipment and files:

  1. Start by determining the categories of equipment, props, and files that you would like to color code.
  2. Choose a color scheme that is easy to remember and implement.
  3. Use colored labels, tape, or markers to label or color code your equipment, props, and files.
  4. Use different colors for different types of equipment and props.
  5. Use different colors for different stages of editing or production.
  6. Use color codes for your digital files, folders and labels, to keep them organized and easy to locate.
  7. Keep a color code key or legend that can be easily referenced.
  8. Use color coding for your cables, it will prevent confusion and save time during setup.
  9. Use color coding for your power outlets, as it will prevent confusion and save time during setup.
  10. Be consistent in using the color coding system, and update it as needed. 

By following these tips, filmmakers can effectively create and implement a color coding system, leading to a more organized and efficient filmmaking experience.

Hack #6: Schedule regular cleaning and decluttering sessions

Cleaning and decluttering regularly can have a big impact on one’s general well-being and quality of life. A clean and well-organized environment can reduce stress and boost productivity while also instilling a sense of peace and control. Decluttering can also improve a space’s usefulness and make it easier to maintain.

Tips for setting up and sticking to a cleaning and decluttering schedule:

  1. Set a regular schedule for cleaning and decluttering, such as once a week or once a month.
  2. Make a list of tasks that need to be completed during each cleaning and decluttering session.
  3. Set reminders in your calendar or use a reminder app to help you stick to your schedule.
  4. Break up larger tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks, so that it’s less overwhelming.
  5. Prioritize the most important tasks and tackle them first.
  6. Make cleaning and decluttering a team effort, if you are working with a team.
  7. Set a timer for each task to help you stay focused and motivated.
  8. Reward yourself for completing each task to make the process more enjoyable.
  9. Make decluttering and cleaning a part of your daily routine, to keep your space organized at all times.
  10. Be consistent and persistent in your efforts, it may take some time to see results but it will be worth it in the end. 

By following these tips, you’ll be able to establish and stick to a cleaning and decluttering schedule, making it a regular part of your routine, and leading to a more organized and productive work environment.


Hack #7: Utilize digital organization tools

Filmmakers can profit immensely from digital organization tools since they help them easily manage and arrange their projects, equipment, and files. 

These technologies can help to streamline the filmmaking process by offering simple access to critical information and resources, as well as cooperation and communication among team members. Furthermore, because vital data and files can be readily backed up and stored in the cloud, digital organization tools can help to lessen the risk of losing or misplacing them.

Tips for choosing and using digital organization tools for your filming projects:

  1. Assess your needs and determine which digital organization tools will best suit your specific requirements.
  2. Choose tools that are user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  3. Utilize tools that allow for easy collaboration and communication with team members.
  4. Use tools that allow for easy storage and backup of important data and files.
  5. Consider the security of the tool and ensure that it meets your security requirements.
  6. Utilize tools that can integrate with other software and tools that you are already using.
  7. Use tools that allow you to set reminders and deadlines to keep you on track.
  8. Utilize tools that allow you to create and share project timelines with your team.
  9. Use tools that allow you to create and share project budgets with your team.
  10. Regularly check your digital organization tools and update them as needed. 

By following these tips, filmmakers can effectively choose and use digital organization tools to streamline their filmmaking process, manage and organize their projects, equipment, and files more efficiently, and improve collaboration and communication with team members.

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Hack #8: Prioritize and focus on one task at a time

Prioritization and focus are essential for filmmakers because they enable them to focus on the most critical jobs and complete them on time. 

Filmmakers can prevent distractions and multitasking by prioritizing and focusing on one activity at a time. This can lead to poor production and lost time. Furthermore, focusing on one activity at a time results in higher quality work since the filmmaker can devote their complete concentration to the task at hand.

Tips for staying focused and on task while filming and editing:

  1. Make a to-do list of the tasks that need to be completed and prioritize them by importance.
  2. Use a timer or a productivity app to help you stay focused and on task.
  3. Eliminate distractions by turning off notifications on your phone or computer.
  4. Use noise-canceling headphones or ambient noise to block out distractions.
  5. Take regular breaks to refresh your mind and prevent burnout.
  6. Use the Pomodoro technique to focus on one task for a set amount of time and then take a break.
  7. Use a standing or treadmill desk to keep your mind and body active.
  8. Practice mindfulness or meditation to improve focus and reduce stress.
  9. Try the “Do not Disturb” feature on your phone or computer to block interruptions.
  10. Having a clear and specific goal for the task you are working on, will help you to stay focused. 

By following these tips, filmmakers can effectively prioritize and focus on one task at a time, leading to a more productive and efficient filmmaking process.

Hack #9: Make use of wall space

10 Amazing Organization Hacks To Get Rid Of The Home Clutter for a filmmaker

Utilizing wall space can substantially benefit filmmakers by maximizing storage possibilities and keeping equipment and instruments easily accessible. 

Filmmakers can free up floor and table space by hanging equipment and tools on the walls, making their work area less cluttered and more organized. Furthermore, because they are off the floor and out of the way, wall-mounted storage solutions can assist to limit the danger of equipment being damaged or broken.

Tips for organizing your equipment and tools on your walls:

  1. Use wall-mounted storage solutions such as shelves, racks, and hooks to store equipment and tools.
  2. Keep frequently used equipment and tools within easy reach, while less frequently used items can be placed higher up.
  3. Use different-sized hooks, shelves, and racks to accommodate different types of equipment and tools.
  4. Label or color-code your equipment and tools, so you can quickly identify and locate them.
  5. Use wall-mounted pegboards, they are great for hanging tools and equipment.
  6. Use wall-mounted magnetic holders, they are great for holding small items such as screws and nails.
  7. Use wall-mounted brackets, they can be used to hold items such as extension cords, cables, and hoses.
  8. Use wall-mounted organizers for holding items such as pens, pencils, and markers.
  9. Use wall-mounted hooks to hold items such as brooms, mops, and dustpans.
  10. Use wall-mounted shelves to hold items such as books, reference materials, and instructional videos. 

By following these tips, filmmakers can effectively make use of their wall space to keep their equipment and tools organized, easily accessible, and out of the way, leading to a more productive and efficient filmmaking process.

Hack #10: Keep a daily to-do list

10 Amazing Organization Hacks To Get Rid Of The Home Clutter for a filmmaker

A daily to-do list can considerably assist filmmakers in staying organized and on track with their activities and projects. A to-do list enables filmmakers to prioritize activities, set goals and deadlines, and track their progress. 

It can also assist to relieve stress and worry by offering a clear perspective of what has to be done, as well as serving as a visual reminder of accomplishments.

Tips for creating and using a daily to-do list to stay organized:

  1. Set reminders for important tasks or deadlines.
  2. Keep your to-do list visible, such as on a bulletin board or in a planner, so that you can refer to it throughout the day.
  3. Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day and adjust your list as needed.
  4. Avoid procrastination, tackle the most important and challenging task first when your energy and focus are high.
  5. Keep your to-do list flexible, you can add or remove tasks as your priorities change.
  6. Reward yourself for completing tasks to keep yourself motivated. 

By following these tips, filmmakers can effectively create and use a daily to-do list to stay organized, prioritize their tasks, and accomplish their goals in a timely and efficient manner. It will also help them to stay focused and avoid distractions, leading to a more productive and efficient filmmaking process.



In this article, we’ve discussed 10 organization hacks for filmmakers to help them declutter their space and unleash their creativity. These hacks include:

  1. Creating a designated filming area
  2. Utilizing storage solutions
  3. Organizing your equipment
  4. Keeping your editing space clean and clear
  5. Implementing a color coding system
  6. Schedule a regular cleaning and decluttering
  7. Utilizing digital organization tools
  8. Prioritizing and focusing on one task at a time
  9. Making use of wall space
  10. Keeping a daily to-do list

Filmmakers can streamline their workspace and make their equipment and resources more accessible by using these organization tips. These tips and tricks can also help to increase efficiency, productivity, and creativity, resulting in a more structured and pleasurable filmmaking experience.

We encourage filmmakers to make these hacks their own by tailoring them to their individual needs and work style. Remember that it may take some time to see results, but it will be worth it in the end if you are consistent and persistent. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Peekatthis also participates in affiliate programs with B&H, Adorama, Clickbank, CJ, and other sites.

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About the author: Trent (IMDB Youtubehas spent 10+ years working on an assortment of film and television projects. He writes about his experiences to help (and amuse) others. If he’s not working, he’s either traveling, reading or writing about travel/film, or planning travel/film projects.

10 Amazing Organization Hacks To Get Rid Of The Home Clutter for a filmmaker

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