The Ultimate Backpacking Checklist for Epic Hiking Trips (2024)

Craving an escape from the daily grind? Buckle up, adventure seekers, because we’re venturing deep into the wilderness! Picture this: crisp mountain air tickling your nose, sun-dappled trails winding through ancient pines, and the satisfying crackle of a campfire beneath a star-studded sky. But before you lace up your boots and hit the trail, there’s one crucial step to set you up for success: crafting the ultimate backpacking checklist.

Hi, I’m Trent Peek, a filmmaker by day and wilderness wanderer by weekend. Let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like leaving the chaos behind and rediscovering the rhythm of nature. And trust me, a rock-solid checklist is the map to unlocking that bliss. It’s not just about ticking off boxes; it’s about equipping yourself for confidence, comfort, and even a healthy dose of laughter (because let’s face it, even seasoned adventurers stumble and giggle once in a while).

Forget “one-size-fits-all” lists that leave you unprepared for surprise snow patches or bug-infested campgrounds. We’re all about customization here. Whether you’re a family embarking on a breezy weekend hike or a solo trekker tackling a backcountry challenge, your gear needs to match your adventure. Think snowshoes for winter wonderland trails, a trusty headlamp for late-night stargazing, or maybe even a spork that doubles as a whistle just in case (because wilderness karaoke is always a possibility, right?).

So, buckle up, grab your pen, and get ready to dive into the nitty-gritty of checklist building. We’ll break down essential gear by function, share some personal insights (and maybe a few embarrassing campfire tales!), and equip you with the know-how to conquer any trail that throws your way. By the end of this, you’ll be a checklist-wielding master, ready to embrace the freedom, the challenges, and the pure joy of backpacking adventure.

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Camp and Kitchen Gear

Buckle up, chowhounds and fire wizards, because it’s time to transform your backpack into a miniature kingdom of comfort and culinary triumph! Today’s lesson? Camp and kitchen gear – the unsung heroes of every backpacking adventure. Forget fancy restaurants and five-star room service, we’re talking DIY feasts under the stars and fireside stories that could rival Tolkien’s finest. So grab your sporks (trust me, they’re more versatile than you think), and let’s dive into the essentials!

  1. Backpack: Your mobile home on the trail, this bad boy shouldn’t just haul your stuff, it should feel like an extension of your spine. Think proper fit, weight distribution, and straps that hug you like a good hug (minus the weird uncle vibes). And for organized chaos (we’ve all been there), multiple compartments are your best friend. Bonus points for a rain cover, because nobody wants soggy socks and soggy souls.
  2. Tent and Footprint: Sleep is the ultimate trail currency, and a good tent is your five-star hotel room (minus the concierge, but who needs someone judging your snoring anyway?). Look for weather-resistant, lightweight options, and don’t forget the footprint – it’s like a welcome mat for your tent, keeping the floor squeaky clean (and dry) for a restful night’s slumber.
  3. Sleeping Bag: Remember Goldilocks and the porridge? Same principle applies here. Pick a temperature rating that matches your climate, and choose wisely when it comes to insulation (down for toasty nights, synthetic for damp adventures). A stuff sack keeps your snuggle cocoon dry, and if you ever forget it…well, let’s just say instant mummy impression ain’t the most flattering look.
  4. Sleeping Pad: Comfort isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity. This barrier between you and the cold, hard ground is your ticket to a good night’s sleep. Inflatable pads are like fluffy clouds, but watch out for punctures (nobody wants a deflated slumber party). Foam pads are your reliable, low-maintenance friends, just like that grandma who always bakes cookies. Choose your warrior and conquer the chill!
  5. Stove and Fuel: Hot meals and steaming mugs of cocoa? Yes, please! Pick a stove that matches your culinary ambitions and fuel availability (gas for speedy boils, alcohol for a touch of wilderness mystique). Remember, practice makes perfect, so fire up that bad boy before your trip. And fuel? Pack enough, and research what’s available at your destination. Nobody wants to sing campfire karaoke on an empty stomach (unless that’s your thing, then more power to you!).
  6. Pots and Pot Grabber: Because who wants burnt fingers and lukewarm soup? Sturdy pots with a non-stick coating are your kitchen MVPs, and a heat-resistant grabber is like a knight in shining armor for your clumsy moments (we’ve all had them). Lightweight is key, but don’t skimp on durability – remember, these pots are your wilderness chefs de cuisine!
  7. Utensils: Spork: the ultimate multi-tool for civilized eating (and maybe the occasional impromptu spear-fishing in a mountain stream, but let’s not dwell on that). Throw in a knife and a lightweight plate or bowl, and you’ve got yourself a feast fit for a king (or at least a really hungry hiker). Bonus points for foldable or collapsible options – every backpack inch counts!
  8. Dishes and Cup: Sipping your morning joe from a leaky mug is a recipe for disaster (and soggy socks). Opt for durable, lightweight options like silicone or titanium dishes, and don’t forget an insulated cup for those chilly mornings. Remember, happy camper, happy tummy!
  9. Water Treatment or Filter: Because nobody wants to tango with Giardia on the trail. Choose a system that suits your water sources, and always carry a backup purification method for emergencies. Think of it as liquid insurance for your gut (and your dignity).
  10. Hydration System or Water Bottles: Stay hydrated, stay happy! Whether you prefer a bladder for on-the-go sips or bottles for easy refills, keep that H2O flowing. Bonus points for a combination of both, and in colder climates, insulating your bottles is a winter warrior’s secret weapon.
  11. Food + Coffee: Fuel for the adventure! Plan and pack a variety of lightweight, high-energy foods. Instant coffee or compact coffee makers? Backpacker’s bliss, my friend. Remember, non-perishable, easy-to-cook is your mantra. Every gram counts, and happy taste buds make happy trails!
  12. Lighter or Waterproof Matches and Fire Starter: Because fire is magic, plain and simple. A reliable lighter, waterproof matches, or a fire starter are your gateway to warmth, marshmallows that rival Olympic gymnasts (bonus points for perfect char!), and campfire stories that could make even the most seasoned grizzlies shed a tear. But remember, fire safety is no joke. Practice building fires before your trip, store your ignition materials in a waterproof haven, and leave no trace behind. Mother Nature will thank you (and so will your fellow adventurers).
  13. Lightweight Cord: This unsung hero has more uses than a Swiss Army knife! From setting up a clothesline to securing gear (or hanging the occasional bear bag, if that’s your jam), choose cordage with high tensile strength. Think of it as your wilderness MacGyver kit in a roll, ready to tackle any unexpected scenario.

And remember, gear is like a good pair of hiking boots – it’s gotta fit you right. Popular brands like Salomon, Merrell, and REI offer fantastic options, but don’t just follow the herd. Research, compare, and find what tickles your inner explorer (and your budget). After all, the perfect camp and kitchen gear is the one that gets you out there, cooking up adventures under the open sky.

So there you have it, backpackers! Your camp and kitchen gear arsenal is ready to be assembled. Now, go forth, conquer the trail, and remember – the best meals are the ones shared with laughter, stories, and maybe a smidge of singed marshmallow. Happy adventures!

The Ultimate Backpacking Checklist for Epic Hiking Trips man in black jacket standing near body of water
Photo by Catarina Sousa on

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III. Safety Essentials

Alright, danger dodgers and wilderness wizards, gather ’round the virtual campfire because it’s time to talk safety essentials! These aren’t just boring things your mom makes you pack (although love you, Mom!), they’re your personal fortress against Mother Nature’s little pranks. Now, before you picture me wrestling alligators or scaling mountains blindfolded (don’t worry, future Darwin Award nominees, I have my limits), let’s focus on the gear that truly matters.

  1. First-Aid Kit: Your MacGyver in a Mini-Medpack: Think bumps, blisters, the occasional bout with mountain munchies – your first-aid kit is your frontline defense. Customize it based on your trip’s duration and remoteness. Think bandages, pain relievers, antiseptic wipes, and your personal meds (don’t forget grandma’s secret hangover cure, just in case). Remember, it’s better to be over-prepared than under-whelmed when it comes to boo-boos.
  2. Knife: The Swiss Army Sibling You Always Wanted: A reliable knife isn’t just for whittling wood or playing wilderness chef (although, bonus points if you whip up a five-course meal with twigs and berries). It’s for cutting rope, prepping food, and generally being your go-to problem solver. Fixed-blade or folding? You choose, but keep it sharp and practice safe handling – nobody wants a butterfingers-in-the-backcountry situation.
  3. Whistle: Your Emergency Broadcasting System: Don’t underestimate the power of this tiny screamer. It’s like a personal siren for attracting attention in case of an emergency or communicating with your group over long distances. Remember, three short blasts are the universal distress signal – think of it as the wilderness Morse code for “Uh oh, need some adulting ASAP!”
  4. Signaling and Fix-It Tools: MacGyver-in-a-Pocket Kit: Picture this: your tent rips like a wet paper bag and your stove throws a tantrum worse than a toddler on sugar. Enter the MacGyver-in-a-pocket kit, also known as your repair kit and multi-tool. Duct tape, a sewing kit, pliers, screwdrivers, a mini-knife – pack the essentials to transform yourself into a wilderness handyman and keep your trip on track. Remember, sometimes a little ingenuity can patch up bigger problems than your favorite pair of ripped jeans.
  5. Navigation Ninjas: Map, Compass, and Maybe a GPS: Okay, so maybe you’re not Indiana Jones, but with a detailed route guide, map, and compass, you can at least channel your inner adventurer. Learn to read those squiggly lines and master the compass needle – it’s like a mini-superpower in the wilderness. For the tech-savvy explorers, a GPS can be your digital sidekick, but remember, batteries die, maps don’t. And hey, who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned treasure hunt, right?
  6. Headlamp or Flashlight: Your Night-Vision Goggles: Early mornings, late arrivals, surprise encounters with nocturnal critters – a hands-free headlamp or trusty flashlight is your beacon in the dark. LED for long battery life, extra batteries for peace of mind, and a check before each trip. You wouldn’t want to stumble around like a baby bear after dark, would you?
  7. Sun Shield: SPF Savior and Sunglasses Superhero: Protecting your skin from the sun’s wrath is like giving your future self a high five. High SPF sunscreen for outdoor activities, generous application (especially in sunny or high-altitude conditions), and reapplication – these are your sun-defying mantras. Don’t forget your sunglasses with UV protection and polarization – think of them as your eyes’ personal bodyguards against those sneaky UV rays.

Remember, packing these safety essentials is like putting on your wilderness armor. They empower you to handle unexpected situations and navigate the great outdoors with confidence. In the next sections, we’ll delve into clothing essentials and personal items to maximize your backpacking journey. Stay tuned, adventure awaits!

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Photo by Catarina Sousa on

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Clothing (Warm Conditions)

Forget fashion shows and fancy threads, folks, we’re packing for a sun-soaked odyssey! Ditch the denim disasters and cotton catastrophes, because when it comes to warm-weather backpacking, comfort and protection are your fashion gurus. Think sweat-fighting ninjas, air-conditioned armor, and jungle-defying champions – your clothing choices become your survival tools in this wilderness wonderland.

  1. Wicking T-shirt: Picture this – you’re scaling a sun-drenched mountain, sweat forming rivulets down your back. Now picture that sweat disappearing like magic, replaced by a cool, dry breeze. That, my friends, is the power of a wicking T-shirt. Choose quick-drying, breathable fabrics like merino wool or synthetics – cotton is the enemy here, clinging to moisture like a jealous ex. Remember, happy sweat glands make happy hikers!
  2. Long-Sleeved Shirt: Sunburn sucks, trust me. A long-sleeved shirt is your sun-shielding superhero, warding off those nasty UV rays and keeping the bugs at bay. Opt for lightweight, breathable fabrics with UPF ratings – think of them as your personal force field against sunburn. And hey, bonus points for roll-up sleeves when the breeze kicks in!
  3. Pants or Shorts? This age-old battle boils down to personal preference and terrain. Pants are jungle-defying champions, shielding you from prickly bushes and pesky insects. Shorts, on the other hand, are like air-conditioned allies, keeping you cool in sweltering conditions. Pro tip: lightweight pants with zip-off legs give you the best of both worlds – versatility is key, my friends!
  4. Moisture-Wicking Underwear: We’re not talking fashion statements here, but chafing is a real wilderness buzzkill. Moisture-wicking underwear is your secret weapon against discomfort, keeping things dry and happy down there. Nylon and polyester are your trusted allies, and performance underwear designed for outdoor activities is like a first-class ticket to chafe-free bliss.
  5. Sun Hat: Imagine a shady oasis for your face amidst the scorching sun. That’s a wide-brimmed hat, folks! Protection for your neck and ears, a shield against heatstroke, and shade for those squinty sun-drunk eyes. Lightweight and breathable materials are your friends, because who wants a sweaty noggin on a sunny hike?
  6. Hiking Socks and Liner Socks: Blisters? We don’t know them! Quality socks are your feet’s best friends, wicking away moisture and keeping those happy toes comfy mile after mile. Merino wool or synthetics are your allies, and liner socks add an extra layer of blister-busting magic. Think of them as tiny foot ninjas, silently fighting the blister villains!
  7. Hiking Boots: These are your trusty steeds, carrying you over rocky paths and uneven terrain. Ankle support, traction, and protection are your mantras, all wrapped up in a comfortable, well-fitting pair of boots. Merrell, Salomon, and Keen are some reputable brands, but remember, break them in before your trip – nobody wants sore feet on the first day!

So there you have it, your warm-weather clothing arsenal! Remember, proper attire isn’t just about looking good (although let’s be honest, conquering a trail in these threads is pretty badass), it’s about preventing sunburn, dehydration, and those pesky blisters. In the next section, we’ll tackle clothing for cooler and wetter conditions – stay tuned, adventure awaits!

P.S. Don’t forget sunscreen! That’s like sun-shielding kryptonite, essential for happy skin and happy adventures. Pack, reapply, repeat – your future self will thank you!

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Photo by Emrah Yazıcıoğlu on

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Additional Clothing (Cool or Wet Conditions)

So, the sun’s gone AWOL and the clouds are throwing a rain party? No worries, intrepid explorer! We’ve got the clothing battle plan for cool and wet conditions. Think of these items as your personal thermal shield and cozy cocoon, keeping you happy and warm even when Mother Nature throws her tantrums.

  1. Insulating Top/Jacket: This is your personal furnace, trapping heat like a champ. Choose lightweight, squishy friends like down or synthetic fill jackets. They pack down small but puff up big on warmth. Bonus points for layering them, because nothing says versatile like being ready for any temperature surprise.
  2. Rainwear Pants & Jacket: Picture yourself as a walking puddle puddle-jumper. Rain gear is your superhero shield against downpours, keeping you dry and cozy even when the clouds weep like a lost puppy. Look for sealed seams and adjustable features, because nobody wants water leaks in their adventure movie. And hey, practice that rain gear ninja-speed change – you never know when the sky decides to open its faucet!
  3. Base Layer Top & Bottom: This is your sweat-busting BFF, wicking moisture away from your skin like a magic towel. Merino wool or synthetic fabrics are your allies, keeping you dry and comfy even when the wind whispers icy secrets. Think snug but not suffocating, because chafing is nobody’s friend on the trail.
  4. Warm Hat: Your head is basically a heat radiator, so keeping it covered is like turning down the thermostat on your internal furnace. Choose a hat that hugs your ears like a friendly koala, and opt for lightweight, moisture-wicking materials – nobody wants a soggy noggin on a misty hike.
  5. Gloves or Mitts: Cold fingers are the enemy of wilderness fun. Grab some waterproof and insulated gloves for wet days, or consider liner gloves for those tricky temperature changes. Think of them as tiny hand ninjas, keeping your digits toasty and ready for action.
  6. Gaiters: These are your mud and water shields, stopping the enemy from invading your boots and pants. Perfect for rainy hikes or sloppy terrain, choose durable and waterproof gaiters that fit snugly – you don’t want them doing the salsa when you’re trying to conquer a puddle.

Remember, cool and wet conditions are all about strategic layering and picking the right materials. These clothing ninjas will keep you happy and comfy, even when the weather throws its worst. In the next sections, we’ll explore awesome personal items to enhance your adventure, plus pro tips for planning and safety – stay tuned, epic journey awaits!

P.S. Don’t forget a waterproof backpack cover! Nobody wants a soggy sleeping bag party, trust me. Pack smart, adventure bold!

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Photo by Kun Fotografi on

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Personal Items and Additions

Okay, we’ve got the essentials covered – shelter, food, fire (maybe not literally, unless you’re a certified wilderness fire ninja!). Now it’s time to level up your backpacking game with some gear that goes beyond just keeping you alive. Think comfort, hygiene, and, yes, even a little bit of entertainment!

  1. Trekking Poles: These aren’t just glorified walking sticks! Poles are your stability squad, reducing knee strain and giving you an extra boost (literally) on uneven terrain or when your pack feels like a baby elephant hitching a ride. Adjustable and with comfy grips are key – think of them as your trusty trail partners.
  2. Toothbrush & Toiletries: Remember, being a wilderness warrior doesn’t mean abandoning basic hygiene! Travel-sized toiletries are your friends, and biodegradable options keep Mother Nature happy. Plus, who wants to greet the sunrise with dragon breath? Not cool.
  3. Toilet Paper & Biodegradable Soap: Let’s talk waste disposal, because responsible adventurers leave no trace. Packable TP and eco-friendly soap let you stay clean and minimize your impact on the environment. Remember, what goes in must come out (responsibly, of course!).
  4. Pack Towel: Ditch the bulky bath towels for a quick-drying microfiber option. Wipe away sweat, dry dishes, or create an impromptu neck scarf – this little towel is a multi-talented champion. Just hang it outside your pack while you hike, and boom, dry and ready for action.
  5. Phone or Communication Device: This lifeline isn’t just for selfies (although, epic mountain panoramas!). Stay connected in case of emergencies, use navigation apps, or share your adventure with loved ones. Just remember, portable chargers are your best friends on long journeys.
  6. Bug Repellent & Bug-Proof Gear: Let’s face it, mosquitos are nature’s tiny terrorists. Insect repellent and bug-proof clothes are your shields against itchy attacks and potential allergic reactions. Lightweight, long sleeves, and hats with built-in protection? Sign me up!
  7. Sandals or Camp Footwear: After a day of conquering mountains, your feet deserve a break. Lightweight sandals are perfect for stream crossings and camp chores, giving your boots a well-deserved siesta. Choose supportive options for those post-hike strolls around the campsite.
  8. Earplugs: Sweet dreams, guaranteed! Earplugs are your noise-canceling ninjas, blocking out snoring neighbors or rustling leaves to ensure a restful night’s sleep. Practice using them beforehand to find the perfect fit for your inner peace.
  9. Trail Permit & Bear Safety Gear: Be a responsible adventurer! Research and obtain necessary permits, and in bear country, pack bear spray. It’s like an emergency force field against unwanted furry encounters. Remember, proper food storage and bear safety knowledge are your best friends out there.
  10. Stuff Sacks & Pack Cover: Organization is key! Stuff sacks keep your gear neat and tidy, saving space in your pack. Waterproof ones are like little raincoats for your essential items. And speaking of rain, a pack cover is your backpack’s superhero shield, keeping everything dry in even the nastiest downpours.

Bonus Gear for Epic Adventures:

  • Binoculars: Spot eagles soaring, zoom in on stunning vistas, or just pretend you’re a wildlife detective. Compact and lightweight with good magnification are your buddies here.
  • Camera: Capture those breathtaking moments and scenery for posterity! Choose a durable, compact camera with good image quality, and consider waterproof options for adventurous conditions.

Remember, these personal items and additions aren’t just about surviving; they’re about maximizing your comfort, safety, and enjoyment on the trail. In the final sections, we’ll dive into pre-trail planning and tips for a truly unforgettable backpacking adventure! Stay tuned, wilderness awaits!

Embark on unforgettable hiking adventures with confidence using our Ultimate Backpacking Checklist for 2024. Whether you're a seasoned backpacker or a nature enthusiast seeking a tranquil escape, this comprehensive guide ensures you're equipped with the essentials for a safe, enjoyable, and epic journey into the wilderness. Elevate your backpacking experience and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature with our meticulously curated checklist.

Before You Leave Tips

So, you’ve got your gear, you’re itching to conquer that mountain, and your inner wilderness explorer is doing a victory dance. Fantastic! But before you dive headfirst into the great outdoors, hold your horses (or, you know, llamas…whichever pack animal is your spirit guide). Let’s take a quick pre-trail pit stop to ensure your adventure starts smooth and stays epic.

  1. Weather Forecast Check: Mother Nature throws some curveballs (literally, sometimes with hail!), so stay informed about upcoming weather patterns. Think reliable sources, specific to your region, and be prepared to adapt your gear and clothing choices like a chameleon on camouflage duty. Remember, flexibility is key, and nobody wants to be a popsicle on a surprise snow day.
  2. Share Your Trail Tale: Don’t be a solo act! Share your itinerary with a trusted friend or family member. Details like planned route, expected return date, and emergency contacts are your safety squad. Think of it as planting a breadcrumb trail of information, just in case you get lost in the wilderness of paperwork (it happens to the best of us!). And hey, regular check-ins are like sending virtual postcards from the wild – everyone loves those!
  3. Backup Plan in the Backpack: Leaving a copy of your trip plan in your parked car is like planting a flag for safety. Include route details, estimated return time, and those all-important emergency contacts. Clearly mark it as a “Trip Plan” – because let’s be honest, nobody wants to accidentally leave their grocery list for search and rescue to decipher.

With these final steps checked off, you’re good to go! Buckle up your backpack, channel your inner Indiana Jones, and get ready for an adventure that’ll make your soul sing and your Instagram followers drool (envy in the best way, of course!). In the next sections, we’ll unveil top tips for conquering the trail, navigating like a pro, and leaving the wilderness even better than you found it. Stay tuned, epic journey awaits!

Embark on unforgettable hiking adventures with confidence using our Ultimate Backpacking Checklist for 2024. Whether you're a seasoned backpacker or a nature enthusiast seeking a tranquil escape, this comprehensive guide ensures you're equipped with the essentials for a safe, enjoyable, and epic journey into the wilderness. Elevate your backpacking experience and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature with our meticulously curated checklist.


So, there you have it, adventurer! Your ultimate backpacking checklist, complete with gear, wisdom, and a sprinkle of trailside humor to keep things light (pun intended!). Remember, thorough preparation is the secret sauce to epic expeditions.

Think of your checklist as a trusty map, guiding you through the wilderness of packing decisions. Understanding the “why” behind each item, from your tent to your trusty spork, empowers you to customize your backpack for any terrain or weather surprise. A well-packed bag isn’t just about survival; it’s about minimizing risks and maximizing adventure!

Sharing your plans and staying weather-savvy are like putting up safety flares for both yourself and any potential search parties (hopefully not needed, but better safe than campfire-less!). Remember, knowledge is power, and information is the lifeblood of a smooth journey.

And finally, as you step onto the trail, backpack strapped on and heart buzzing with anticipation, do this: breathe in the fresh air, savor the silence (or the symphony of birdsong), and embrace the challenges with a grin. This is more than just a hike; it’s a conquest of your own limits, a test of your resourcefulness, and a chance to reconnect with the raw beauty of nature.

So, with every step, let the wind ruffle your hair (or beard, no judgment!), let the sun kiss your skin, and let the wilderness whisper its secrets in your ear. This is your adventure, your story to tell. Make it epic, make it unforgettable, and above all, make it safe. Happy trails, fellow explorer! The mountains (or forests, or deserts, or wherever your heart guides you) are waiting!

This concludes your backpacking checklist with a rousing and inspirational final note. It emphasizes the importance of preparation, knowledge, and embracing the spirit of adventure while prioritizing safety.

I hope this is the perfect finale for your comprehensive backpacking guide! If you have any further requests or revisions, please let me know. Happy trails, indeed!

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About the author: Trent (IMDB Youtubehas spent 10+ years working on an assortment of film and television projects. He writes about his experiences to help (and amuse) others. If he’s not working, he’s either traveling, reading or writing about travel/film, or planning travel/film projects.

Ultimate Backpacking Checklist for Epic Hiking Trips

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