25 Crucial Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn From An Early Age Part Two

Crucial Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn From An Early Age Part Two

It’s a never-ending learning experience when it comes to living our lives. 

We have our ups and downs, and with each passing day, we learn valuable lessons to help us navigate this crazy world. Many of the life lessons we learn are as a result of our daily experiences with positive and negative emotions, whereas others are taught through observation or reading in books, for example.

Regardless of how much we learn from books, there is a significant difference between practical and theoretical experience. Furthermore, many life lessons cannot be learned until we are confronted with certain situations in our lives. Most people believe that some lessons come at an inconvenient time, catching us off guard and unprepared.

This post is part two of crucial life lessons everyone should learn from an early age that can help live a fulfilling life ahead.

Related Article: 25 Crucial Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn From An Early Age Part One

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25 Crucial Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn Part Two

25 Crucial Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn From An Early Age Part Two

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Maintain your modesty. Before you were born, a lot was accomplished

Simple living makes life easier. In a big way, simplicity and austerity reign supreme. People become more empathetic. That is why others like and care about them. They deserve to be respected. ONLY A FEW BELIEVE THAT SUCH A PERSON IS NOT ENJOYING LIFE IN ITS ENTIRETY. 

When I switch to a ‘humbler’ mode, I try to see things more clearly, feel better, and my thinking improves. I can save more effectively for others. My needs have been met to the point of being satisfied, and I no longer crave.

Keep it simple

The ability to keep things simple can significantly improve your life. It can relieve stress and give you more time to do the things you enjoy. It can give you space to learn as well as space to simply be. It’s important to remember that just because you’re simplifying doesn’t mean the process will be simple.

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Be wary of people who have nothing to lose

A person under attack with nothing to lose. They have no reason to be afraid or to hold back. There is either a desire for profit or a desire for carnage. Because the status quo offers nothing to them, they will take extreme risks. Desperation fuels a lot of aggression.

Don’t burn any bridges. You’d be surprised how often you have to cross the same river

“Don’t burn your bridges behind you,” as the saying goes, means don’t completely cut off past people in your life. Don’t do or say anything that would cause the person to never want to speak to you again or admit that they knew you. 

Of course, we don’t stay in touch with everyone we once knew, but it’s always a good idea to keep “the door open” to possibly meeting again. They could be a future connection (bridge) to other people or other possibilities.

Live our lives in such a way that our epitaph will read, “No Regrets.”

You don’t carry your regrets with you into the afterlife. The afterlife is the last sparks that fly through your mind before your brain dies. 

That’s exactly what that light is. Oblivion. 

If you have regrets about your past, make a change RIGHT NOW. 

There is nothing you can do. There will be no room for regret or anything else after you die.

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25 Crucial Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn From An Early Age Part Two

Be daring and courageous

When you look back on your life, you’ll be more disappointed in the things you didn’t do than in the ones you did.

Have you ever considered life as if you were about to jump out of a plane? Whatever you’re afraid of, once you jump, you have to go wherever the wind takes you. 

People who follow that philosophy are labelled as “fearless” or “crazy.” However, some significant advantages to being fearless outweigh the disadvantages. 

There is a distinction to be made between being confident and being fearless. They’re related, but each is distinct. 

Confidence allows you to go about your day without worrying about rejection or failure. It’s a wonderful trait to have, but fearlessness is the next step up from confidence.

When you mix fearlessness with confidence, you have the courage to take big leaps into the unknown. You can live your dreams, build bridges to places that you can’t see, and take chances others wouldn’t even imagine.

Sure, the pain might sting if you fail in your next endeavor. But if you succeed? Oh, the rewards! You have the courage to take big leaps into the unknown when you combine fearlessness and confidence. You can live your dreams, build bridges to places you can’t see, and take risks that others would never consider. 

Sure, if you fail in your next endeavor, the pain will be excruciating. But what if you succeed? Oh, the benefits!

Never pass up an opportunity to express your feelings for someone 

Fear, sadness, and anger are all-natural human emotions, and we sometimes struggle with how to deal with them effectively. It can be tempting to act on your emotions right away, but this rarely solves the problem that caused the emotions in the first place. 

In fact, it may cause additional issues to deal with in the future. Sure, there may be times when you need to keep your feelings to yourself, but if you find that you need to express your emotions to someone, don’t be afraid to do so because you may receive the assistance you require.

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Keep in mind that no one succeeds on their own

Have a grateful heart and be quick to thank those who assisted you. 

There is no single definition of success, and certainly no single answer to the question of how to be successful in life.

However, by studying some of the habits of successful people, you can learn new tactics and strategies to use in your own daily life. Cultivate and nurture these abilities, and you may find that you are better able to achieve your goals and achieve the success you desire in life over time.

Take control of your attitude. Don’t let someone else make the decision for you. 

Don’t let someone else control what you do in life. It’s your decisions, your outcomes, your life. 

When you give too much weight to the opinions of others, you’re basically telling your true self to take a walk.

Your self-esteem is affected by the yo-yo effect of what others think of you. When others agree with you and your decisions? You look fantastic! When others are critical of you? You’re in a bad mood. 

Don’t let distractions derail your goals and intentions. Instead, learn to control your attention in order to control your life.

Pay a visit to friends and relatives who are in the hospital; you only need to stay for a few minutes 

A hospital can be an isolating environment. Sure, there is medical personnel on hand to care for patients, but they are responsible for an entire floor of patients. 

If you’ve ever spent more than a few days in the hospital, you know it’s not fun. The element of mystery, not knowing when you will be able to return home or what is wrong with you, can play tricks on your mind. 

That is why it is critical to pay visits to your friends and family in the hospital, because sometimes just seeing someone you care about can make all the difference in a hospital setting.

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25 Crucial Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn From An Early Age Part Two

Begin each day by listening to some of your favorite music

Music therapy has been shown to alleviate stress and improve health. Some of the benefits of music do not require the services of a therapist. Listening to music as you prepare for and begin your day will provide you with positive energy and a soothing sense of peace (or a sense of fun, if you play party music).

Keep a notepad and pencil next to our bed. Million-dollar ideas can strike at any time, including 3 a.m. 

I don’t sleep well, which is probably due to the amount of caffeine I consume throughout the day, but I have the craziest ideas at 3 a.m. Sure, you can use your smartphone to jot down crazy ideas, but when was the last time you checked your notes app on your smartphone? 

Writing it down on a notepad seems to make it more real than simply making a note on your smartphone. Furthermore, going through a paper notepad to look at notes you’ve made is easier than scrolling through a phone app.

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Phone Etiquette is important in our daily routines

Phone etiquette is the way you use manners to represent yourself via telephone communication. Here are some key points to consider when talking on the phone.

  • Maintain a low voice. A loud voice can be both distracting and disruptive. Take care of those around you.
  • Keep your vocabulary in check, especially if others, particularly children, are nearby.
  • Personal conversations should be kept private. Even if you believe no one knows you, avoid having personal or confidential conversations in public. Relocate to a more private location or reschedule the call.
  • DO NOT INTERFERE. Unless it’s an emergency, turn off your phone if it could disrupt a conversation, interview, or activity.
  • Put your ringer on silent (vibrate mode can still be distracting) at the movies, meetings, places of worship, and other gatherings. If you need to make a call from any of these places, move to a discreet place.
  • Be courteous to the people you keep company with. Do not use your phone during class, meetings, or social gatherings. Experiment with being fully present with those in your company. 
  • While driving, leave your phone at home. It’s the LEGAL REQUIREMENT. 
  • If you’re waiting for news on an urgent matter or dealing with an emergency (think life or death, national security, or time-sensitive), notify those in your company that you may need to make a phone call or send an email. Instead of assuming you’re just rude and inconsiderate, they’ll appreciate the heads up. Remove your phone from the dinner table.

Send out a lot of Valentine’s Day cards. ‘Someone who thinks you’re fantastic,’ sign them

Random acts of kindness can be extremely beneficial to your mental health, and research shows that helping others is beneficial to our own well-being by creating a sense of belonging, reducing isolation, and aiding in the removal of negative emotions. 

That’s why it’s important to care about people we don’t know as well as those we do know. 

Sending out cards with a message of good wishes (not romance!) to people you’ve never met can make someone’s day.

Take the scenic route every now and then

Did you know that taking the scenic route can help you relax and improve your mental health? 

That’s correct. You don’t have to go to a fancy yoga studio to find peace. Whether you take a scenic drive alone, with the one you love, or with the entire family, it can instantly reduce stress and bring a sense of calm. 

Ask any mother of a toddler who has taken her child for a ride in order to put them to sleep. Amid this pandemic, a drive in the car may be the solution you’re looking for to get some peace and quiet outside of your house.

We’ve all been spending a lot of time at home lately. The kids are bored because it is winter, they may be distance learners, and there are no social activities available due to Covid. What are our options? 

Get out of the house and go for a scenic drive; we can do it!

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25 Crucial Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn From An Early Age Part Two

Respect everyone who works for a living, no matter how insignificant their job

Growing up and being respected by important people in our lives teaches us how to respect others. Respect means accepting someone for who they are, even if they are different from you or you disagree with them. Respect fosters feelings of trust, safety, and well-being in your relationships.

I recall watching a reality show in which Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, was looking for an assistant and had all potential candidates wait in a holding area while a janitor cleaned the area. The janitor was dropping things, attempting to move heavy objects in the room, and so on, and at least 3/4 of the candidates were either mocking or laughing at the janitor.

While waiting, one-quarter of the candidates assisted and conversed with the janitor. The candidates had no idea it was Richard Branson in disguise. The person who treated the janitor with respect, Richard Branson in disguise, was the deciding factor in who won the reality show. So, regardless of what someone does for a living, treat them with respect because you never know who you might run into.

Send flowers to your loved ones. Consider a reason later

“A flower blooms for its own pleasure.” Oscar Wilde’s 

Flowers are one of the most beautiful things on the planet, and you don’t need a special occasion to send them to your loved ones. Flowers make excellent gifts for any occasion, including Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Grandparents Day, and others. 

Flowers are a symbol of love and care, and while some may argue that flowers wither and aren’t as important as they once were, no one can deny the role flowers play in our daily lives and how important they are. Everyone cares in one way or the other.

Flowers are also one of the simplest and least expensive ways to bring beauty and happiness into our lives. Whether you’re buying it for yourself or someone else you care about, I’ve always believed that we should all be able to send and receive flowers at any time of year.

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Make someone’s day by paying the toll for the car in front of you

I remember driving over a bridge a few years ago and having a 4-door blue sedan tailgate me, despite the fact that it was dark and I had no idea who the driver was.

Instead of becoming enraged, I approached the toll collector and said, “Today is my birthday, and I want to pay for the car behind me as well!” She laughed, took my money, and sent me on my way.

I was giddy the entire way across the bridge; for whom had I just paid the bridge toll? Did I just brighten their day? Will they return the favor the next time they cross the bridge? All that joy for only four dollars! It was well worth it!

Become a hero to someone

Do you ever wonder what it takes to be a hero? Perhaps you admire someone and think to yourself, “I wish I could be more like her!” Maybe you’d like to incorporate some of those more heroic characteristics into your own life. 

To begin, keep in mind that each of us has unique strengths and qualities that we bring to the table. We may look to someone else and wonder how to be a hero (just like we think they are), but if we looked behind the curtain, we’d see that they, too, struggle from time to time. Their lives may not be as glamorous as we imagine. 

Looking up to someone we admire should not be motivated by envy, comparison, or FOMO.

It should be about figuring out what principles and values motivate our hero. When we identify our core drivers, we can apply them to our own growth and development. We can begin to emulate those same principles and learn to live our own principled lives.

Marry for love with a good financial sense

You marry for love, with someone who has a good financial sense. 

It’s not so much about how much your potential spouse has as it is about how they interact with it. Do they go overboard? Have you racked up a mountain of debt as a result of careless decisions? (Not medical issues, but going to sporting events, for example), do they expect you to support them financially for the rest of their lives? 

While it is true that you should marry for love, your spouse will be your single most important financial decision. 

You will be legally joining together; their future debts will be yours as well, and if you divorce, they will have a significant impact on your quality of life for the rest of your life.

Money is also a major reason why people divorce. 

They can be rich or poor, but I strongly advise knowing how they spend, save, what their debts are, and what their financial goals are. 

So, while it’s romantic to say that you should only marry for love and not consider money at all, it’s also stupid not to. That’s all I’ve got.

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25 Crucial Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn From An Early Age Part Two

Take stock of your blessings

It is critical to count your blessings. It demonstrates your thankfulness. A feeling of appreciation or thanks is referred to as gratitude. When people are counting their blessings, they can say something like this: “I’m grateful for my family. I’m grateful for my friends. I am grateful for my good health.” 

It is preferable to be thankful for our blessings rather than take them for granted. We do not appreciate something that we take for granted. We don’t always appreciate our good fortune and blessings until they’re gone. 

When you’re a guest in someone’s home, compliment the meal

When you’re a guest in someone’s home, complement the meal: It doesn’t matter if the meal was terrible; someone was gracious enough to invite you into their home and cook you a meal.

Say thank you as a matter of common courtesy. If nothing else, you know you’d appreciate a compliment, no matter how far off you are about your culinary abilities. Keep in mind the golden rule.

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Make a wave to the kids on the school bus

I remember waving at cars as a kid while riding the school bus, and getting ecstatic whenever an adult waved back. I was overjoyed to finally be the adult in this situation!

I’ve heard a lot about how “kids these days have lost their innocence,” but seeing them waving at strangers from the bus made me happy.

Keep in mind that your ability to deal with people accounts for 80% of your success in any job 

The 80/20 rule is a tried and true principle that can help you succeed in life. 

It can be applied to any aspect of your life, including work and home, fitness and health, relationships, and personal advancement. 

The 80/20 principle assists you in determining which resources are most important for you to use in order to achieve maximum efficiency. It aids in the reduction of waste such as time, money, supplies, efforts, emotions, and energy. 

We all wish we had more time to complete the tasks on our to-do lists. The 80/20 rule assists you in weeding out what is unimportant and focusing on the 20% that will help you achieve the most success in the least amount of time.

Life isn’t going to be fair to you

No. Life isn’t always fair. But how you deal with life’s unfairness is entirely up to you. Do you make yourself a victim and allow it to weaken you? Or, do you choose to be a warrior, learn from it, and allow it to strengthen you. 

Even though life isn’t always fair, we all can do whatever we can with what we have to make a positive difference in our lives and the lives of those around us. 

You can’t do anything meaningful because fate has played a cruel joke on you.

No matter how small what you do may be, every step you make towards a goal is progress, and everything you do to make a positive difference counts. You will be surprised by how much you can do with only a little.

Don’t let what you can’t do stand in the way of what you can do.

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25 Crucial Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn From An Early Age Part Two

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